September Reading List

September Reading List:

Five books for you to read this September:

1/ Darin Olien – Superlife

Superlife Darin Olien


Love, love, love this guy – California personified! If you haven’t checked out his Netflix documentary with Zac Efron (yes, that’s right, Zac Efron) called Down to Earth, then I thoroughly recommend it. I haven’t read this book yet as Alex has been glued to it since it arrived but that in itself is a glowing recommendation!



2/ Julia Cameron – The Artist’s Way

Julia Cameron The Artists Way


Tying in with this month’s focus piece on keeping a journal – this is one of those books that changes people’s lives. If you haven’t heard of the Morning Pages and if you want to spark more creativity and change in your life, then this is for you.



3/ Sogyal Rinpoche – The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying


This is a classic spiritual text covering life and death. Not the easiest book to read but it has the capacity to change how you view everything so it’s worth the effort.




4/ Alan Watts – On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

Alan Watts


If you don’t know Alan Watts you’re in for a treat. Even if you don’t read this book, check out his talks on You Tube. A pioneer of counter-culture and epic spiritual master. Question everything – think for yourself!




5/ Will Storr – Selfie: How the West Became Self-Obsessed



Enough said!