Next Online Group: Sept 2022, dates TBC
(This group session is open to anyone who has done TRE with me previously. If you haven’t practised TRE with me before but would like to give it a go, please email me on to inquire. A private 1-2-1 (or 2-2-1) session may be required prior to taking part in a group).
Do you feel like your body needs waking up? Would you like to gently and naturally start to free yourself of deeply held tension and trauma? Could you benefit from restoring balance to your life, body & mind? TRE might hold the key.
What is it?
TRE (Tension Releasing Exercises) uses 7 physical exercises to tap into the body’s natural healing mechanism for the nervous system – tremoring or shaking. It’s a body based practice that requires no re-telling of past events nor understanding of behaviour triggers. Over time, the practice will allow you to break patterns of stress, anger, anxiety and fatigue.
It will also wake up your body if you’re feeling disconnected from life, and help develop creativity, a sense of play and adventure. Repeated practice will help you develop a new relationship with your body.
TRE can help with trauma resolution, PTSD, stress related conditions, depression, chronic pain, addiction, chronic conditions, back, shoulder and neck pain, insomnia, digestive issues such as IBS, breathing dysfunction, uncontrolled emotions, and a host of other conditions.
For more information about the practice check out A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On on the Blog.
TRE is suitable for most people however it is not recommended during pregnancy nor if you have certain mental health conditions. Physical issues such as lower back problems or injuries may effect your ability to complete the exercises but modifications can sometimes be made. If you have any concerns, please get in touch.
A Zoom link to the session will be sent to you at least 24 hours before the session.
Legal Disclaimer – your participation in these online classes is at your own risk, and subject to & governed by English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. Please practice in a suitable environment and spacious area. If you have any concerns about your health and the suitability of these practices for you then please get in touch with us before you start. Our classes are suitable for all levels unless otherwise stated. Our online classes are not suitable for under 16s unless supervised by a guardian. They are also not suitable if you are pregnant.